Abbeya Elessawy

B.Sc. Degree in Fine Arts, Abbeya brings 16 years experience in the Organizational Administration field, Working in local and multinational Organizations as Dar Al-Handasah her final stop before joining Pinnacle. Working in such establishment allowed Abbeya to acquire a valued organizational experience.
Dr. Hazem Baraka

Doctorate in Business Administration as well as Master of International Business Administration a from ESLSCA Business School, Paris, France. Certified Trainer, Assessor and Validator from The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and bachelor’s degree of Foreign Trade, Helwan University, Egypt. Hazem Brings more than 25 years of diversified knowledge in Organizational Excellence. Dr. Hazem […]
Moataz Yehia

B.Cs. in Accounting, with more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, IT and oil& Gas multinational companies in Egypt and GCC. Moataz brings the best finance knowledge and analysis from business modeling to forecasting from being CFO New Damietta City, CFO of Arkan plaza, Sainsbury’s, Bristol Myers – Squibb, Fujitsu, Sigma Paints, […]
Mohamed Mounir

MBA, Michigan State University with AAST; B.Sc. In Foreign Trade; and Lean Six Sigma Certified green belt from MoreSteam University, USA; A Seasoned sales and marketing professional with more than 25 years’ experience of global, multi-cultural, diverse business experience in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT Industry); doing business in MEA, Europe, India, Russia and Asia […]