10 Steps I Don’t Know To Become A Good Leader
Become A Good Leader

It is Ok not to know

I just found out 48 hours before my deadline, that It is my turn to write an article contributing to Pinnacle’s Knowledge Base. I am deeply engaged in planning activities, reviewing 2020 – still – and building plans for the three coming years with all the dynamics and disruptions after COVID-19. My mind is occupied, and my plate is full, and suddenly in the middle of the night I receive the marketing team reminder!!
Well, I do not have a topic, I am not prepared, what knowledge shall I share, thoughts ran into my head for a few seconds and then shifted to the pipeline I was reviewing and how to put this into context to the business modeling team.

Why not writing about what I am focusing on now? Leadership is what I am actually doing, I am not planning pipelines, or examining the P&L and forecasted margins. I am not practicing financial planning; I am practicing leadership.

I am practicing the choice I made to change the small world I have created; I am practicing the commitments I made to myself to help my team grow as human beings and become better version of themselves and help them reaching the top of their potentials.

10 Steps I don't know to become a good leader

Constantly Learning…

Real leaders are always students, they are constantly facing changing challenges of being leaders, and it is not an easy task, believe me, it is a tough choice, where you face ups and downs, successes and failures, doubts and fears, and sometimes being scared. The point is, to keep learning.

Keep learning how to stop and evaluate:

The momentum, the flow of market dynamics, the actions and external forces are like the current in a turbulent sea, it casts you away from where you want to head. Learn when you stop and evaluate, but do not stop for long. No one will wait for you.

How to look after the people around you:

The essence about leadership, it is not the rank, the job, or what you do in the organization, it is the choice you make and the commitment you do to yourself to look after the people around you. It is being there for them and making sure that every time they spend with you, they learn and grow. Remember that they are the ones who trusted you, your vision, and dreams, and got inspired to follow you dreams.

How to listen and admit the flaws:

You are a human, so it is Ok to make mistakes, not to know all the answers, and being too soft, too caring, and it is the best to admit, and listen to your advisors who loves you for who you are.   

How to build network of people:

The network of people that you go to when the situation is not clear enough, when you cannot see the future as obvious as it used to be. Seek guidance; no leader knows everything, leave your ego at the door, and circle yourself with your advisors.    

It is not Easy

It is fairly easy to build a company that is truly short term, looking for profitability, and exists to capture opportunity, sells to this opportunity gap and then get out. It’s easy to live with small ambition and be short sighted by working on hit-and-runs.

It is not easy to build a company with a cause to exist and answer the “Whys.”

To build one that is an aspiring value and a true legacy. It’s not easy to build a team for a cause but easy to hire employees for a job.

But again, it is a choice you make … a commitment you take.

It’s Exhausting!

I must admit, it is exhausting to face the weaknesses and failures every day, you will always be facing pressure from inside, you are under scrutiny at all times, your team is waiting for your verdict and wants you to take the lead. While, from outside, the market, your rivals and peers, pushing you to do what anyone else is doing, and even pressures from within you, as a leader you want success, respect, and better ways to do business.

It takes courage to face it all.

It Takes Courage

It comes from outside, it is external as I learned from Simon Sinek, it is from your team, your support network, the ones you go to when you feel scared and need guidance, or pat on the shoulder, to feel that some people got your back, wife, friends, family, and your advisors who want you to be successful always.Walt Disney said,

And Be Eccentric

Being Innovative, unorthodox, and unusual are all attributes of leaders, it is fun and scary! Fun to be creating the future, while fearing from the future at the same time. There will be times when you doubt yourself, not sure of what you are doing is right or wrong, and if it will fly and succeed, it is new and novelty and these attributes bring risk.

You will wake up with one question in different shapes; Am I doing the right thing? Will it work? do I look odd? And you will sometimes see it in the eyes of others; naïve, and sometimes not experienced, and you look around and see the ones who trusted you, who are telling you they have faith in you, and that the world needs this, what ever it is… we can see the light, and we can leave a legacy.
Elon Musk


I wish I had the list of 10 steps or things you need to do to become a leader, but it does not exist, and I wish it was that easy; it takes time.

But I can give you one golden rule: To become a leader the first thing you have to do is to want to be one.

You must be driven by something bigger than profit. And please do not get me wrong, profit will eventually be generated.  

Pinnacle has been supporting people who are willing to become leaders, through one-to-one coaching sessions, workshops, trainings and working on the mindset. We have several programs and flexible designs for leadership.     

Pinnacle® is a multi-country consultancy firm. Our consultants are spread around the world; with 70% of our consultants are women. We have built our organization on modern business model with agility, diversity, and resilience to the business dynamics. We have chosen our technology platform to support our modern mindset thus we work from anywhere …. As work is not a place anymore. We implement Lean Six Sigma in everything we do whether internally or externally at our client sites. 

This article is written by:
Mohamed Mounir
Mohamed Mounir
Pinnacle, Managing Director
Pinnacle Ltd.

Pinnacle Ltd. is a multi-countries modern consultancy firm, with offices around 11 countries in 4 continents, and 28 consultants working remotely and virtually managed.

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