Human Resources

Human Resources

Human resource is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives. Human resource management is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and reward management, such as managing pay and benefit systems. HR also concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, or the balancing of organizational practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.
Aligning HR and business strategy, re-engineering organization processes, listening and responding to employees, and managing transformation and change.

At the macro-level, HR is in charge of overseeing organizational leadership and culture. HR also ensures compliance with employment and labor laws, which differ by geography, and often oversees health, safety, and security. Based on the geographic location, there are various laws in place. There are several labor laws that are crucial for HR managers to be familiar with in order to protect both their company and its employees. Ensuring the company is compliant with all laws and regulations is an important aspect of HR and will protect the company from any sort of ‘legal liability’. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to hold a collective bargaining agreement, HR will typically also serve as the company’s primary liaison with the employee’s representatives (usually a labor union).

Why as a business owner do, I need an HR consultant?

Ensure that the organization is able to achieve success through people. 
HR professionals manage the human capital of an organization and focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in finding, recruiting, training, and developing employees, as well as maintaining employee relations or benefits.

Training and development professionals ensure that employees are trained and have continuous development. This is done through training programs, performance evaluations, and reward programs.
Employee relations deals with the concerns of employees when policies are broken, such as cases involving harassment or discrimination.
Managing employee benefits includes developing compensation structures, parental leave programs, discounts, and other benefits for employees

When should I as a business owner decide I need a HR consultant?

  • Do I need to hire qualified staff in my company?
  • Do I have a concern on my employees’ efficiency or loyalty towards my company?
  • Do I have qualified staff but they are suffering in being UpToDate with market requirements?
  • Am I struggling with the implementation of labor law or functionality of discipline rules?
  • Am I benefiting from technology in my company as a tool in hiring/ training?

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