Managing Remote Teams

How are you perceived?

As many other organizations around the world, your business moved somehow to be working remotely after the outbreak of COVID-19, managing people working from home and even after loosening up restrictions, work is not a place anymore. How are you perceived as organization managing this transformation? Are your teams managing this change effectively? Are your teams still productive? 

Why should you learn this?

While working and managing teams remotely has been the norm for some organizations and people, it is a new norm for most of the organizations after COVID-19. 

Whether at the management level or in teams. It requires a new mindset from the top down in the organization and new ways of working and collaborating. This Challenge is designed to sustainably improve your business performance in the short and long term. Rethinking your corporate culture, values and norms is the logical first step in implementing a hybrid business organization. By doing so, you mitigate the risk of two parallel cultures and routines.  Top-down, a mindset aligned with new norms is required, leading to behavior change. 

People do not change their beliefs by talking about them, they need to experience the change to believe and feel it.


Outcome of the training

Pinnacle provides your employees and managers with the necessary competencies for this. The modules provide the know-how for managing employees and hybrid teams that are either in remote or hybrid mode. In the process, we provide you with the right toolset for the key challenges faced by managers. Your employees will learn how to manage their workday efficiently and productively.

  • After the training, you and your employees will know the difference in communication and collaboration. Your teams will perform better, and your organization’s efficiency will increase sustainably. Your team will be able to run an efficient and effective virtual meeting. Understand how to prepare the set-up, content, and objectives.
  • Your team will be able to structure an efficient and effective virtual meeting. Understanding how to prepare the setting, content, and goals to achieve in any virtual encounters. With time management and technology challenges and moving inspiration over information to keep the participants engaged. 
  • Pinnacle® Certification signed by one of our industry experts’ trainers.


Please use contact us and one of our business development managers will be calling you to support.

Who should attend?

  • Organization Leadership Teams Top management who needs to set the new mindset and culture to be adopted.
  • Middle Management and team leaders Department and team managers and supervisors who are working or have someone in their team working remotely or n hybrid mode.
  • Staff Who are working remotely or in hybrid mode.


This full course is designed with three modules, each module is to be delivered in two days F2F or online version of 4 hours per day.

Pinnacle® preferred online training platform is Microsoft Teams. However, we can accommodate zoom.

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