New Headquarter

How did the Pandemic impact our Workplace?

Before the pandemic, the conventional wisdom had been that offices were critical to productivity, culture, and winning the war for talent. Companies competed intensely for prime office space in major urban centers around the world, and many focused-on solutions that were seen to promote collaboration. Densification, open-office designs, hoteling, and co-working.
Now, Flexibility will be the new mantra—where people will be given more freedom to choose WFH. Some professionals actually missed the commute and cherished their in-person connections. So, the new normal will be increased flexibility.
Work from home

Our Headquarters

In the new norm your corporate office will look and operate differently. Like most workplace changes, it is not a complete replacement, just like when our resumes did not go away when LinkedIn made having a profile a necessary personal branding tool and career asset.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said that when workers go back to work, temperature checks and social distancing will likely be implemented. 
And that will persist for a while. But once there are medical breakthroughs like treatments and vaccines, offices will be more about interaction and community than about heads-down focus on individual productivity.
Conference rooms, meeting spaces and video studios will take up a lot of office space. The workplace will become a far more social environment, not a “lock myself in the office” scenario. It should be designed to foster and promote interaction and community engagement—taking advantage of the times talent is collocated in one place. Our humanity and connection are what separate us from robots. Nothing will take the place of those serendipitous interactions that often lead to creativity and innovation, and COVID-19 has made us appreciate those interactions more than ever.

Work-ready Homes

Many professionals found WFH a challenge not because of isolation, but because they did not have the ideal space or a dedicated home office. They did not have a Zoom-ready spot for video meetings.

Internet in homes should and will improve, drastically and quickly. Home offices and even home video studios will become a priority. As new homes are built or existing ones are remodeled, WFH considerations will be the top priority for many. 

Work-ready Homes

We all know that learning is now front and center, and many organizations realize that upskilling and right-skilling are essential for innovation and strategic advantage.

But post COVID-19, e-learning will become a bigger part of ongoing learning. In-person learning programs will not go away, but they will be reserved for certain functions and certain populations within the company. Face-to-face learning will likely be just a small element of a learning curriculum.

Business attire is retiring

We got comfortable with getting comfortable. You may have dressed up for work before COVID-19. And even if you got dressed up every day while WFH, it is unlikely that you put on a suit or heels.

As supervisors and staffers have gotten used to seeing each other in their natural habitats, the line that separates work life and personal life has faded. Ironically, technology has made this transition possible, but it has also led to a

decidedly low-tech reality: this new corporate world has made us value our organic, non-robotic humanity more than ever before.

What is the impact of Covid-19 on People Management?

Working from home has become the new normal, and we are going from digitizing the relationship between firm and customer to digitizing the relationship between employer and employee.

Management should consider quick adjustments to cope with the new norm:

Rapid reskilling

If employees are taught how to build a learning mindset, it will prepare them well for dealing with a constantly, even sometimes abruptly, changing environment.

The quick adoption of new, advanced technology is the central catalyst and is likely to lead to an acceleration in the creation of new roles. Changes in workload during the pandemic have sometimes resulted in an imbalance of resource allocation.

Reskilling and upskilling can help employees move from one part of the business to another.

Many organizations think they can access new pools of talent with fewer locational constraints, adopt innovative processes to boost productivity, create an even stronger culture, and significantly reduce real-estate costs.

Changing leadership and management competences

There is no blueprint for what we’re facing and business leaders around the world are changing strategies to keep up. It is necessary that corporate culture and leadership skills focus on empathy as transformation and disruptions become the new normal.

A culture of trust, transparency, and openness

As employees will be required to contribute to the business remotely, trust and transparency have to be the baseline of such work relationship to grant success. The best way to go about this is to define deliverables and evaluate contribution based on the quality and effectiveness of it not the time spent on the job.

Individual and social wellbeing

Companies should rebalance their priorities in the coming months, so that resilience becomes just as important to their strategic thinking as cost and efficiency.

Working in a more agile way

Business leaders now, in some sense, have been gifted with a better idea of what can and cannot be done outside their companies’ traditional processes, and COVID-19 is forcing both the pace and scale of workplace innovation. Many are finding simpler, faster and less expensive ways to operate.


It is a new headquarter, new learning, new skills, new way of leadership and management, new behavior, new trust levels and new ways of doing business.

And with the new ways comes the role of our consultancy and its experienced yet flexible mentalities to support organizations, big or small to be ready for the rapid changes without jeopardizing its operational profitability.


Training is an important element in facing the challenges of today’s workplace your people need to be supported to change their mindset, behaviors, and actions to be more productive and efficient.

Pinnacle has a set of learning and coaching programs for remote working and how to stay effective and productive managing your work and work teams remotely.

Pinnacle® is a multi-country consultancy firm. Our consultants are spread around the world; with 70% of our consultants are women. We have built our organization on modern business model with agility, diversity, and resilience to the business dynamics. We have chosen our technology platform to support our modern mindset thus we work from anywhere …. As work is not a place anymore. We implement Lean Six Sigma in everything we do whether internally or externally at our client sites. 

This article is written by:
May Sami
Pinnacle, CHO and Senior Consultant Director
Pinnacle Ltd.

Pinnacle Ltd. is a multi-countries modern consultancy firm, with offices around 11 countries in 4 continents, and 28 consultants working remotely and virtually managed.

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