This is NSFW “Not Safe for Work”

This is NSFW “Not Safe for Work”

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect the world we know – will change the business world we used to know; Virtual meetings have become an essential part of how modern businesses maintain productivity and continuity. Virtual Meetings are an easy, cost-effective way to align multiple offices, keep remote employees engaged and work with clients and vendors.

While virtual meetings have likely been a part of your daily work routine for some time now, professionals like you fall victim to some major virtual meeting flaws. Virtual meeting etiquette is a whole new ball game compared to in-person face to face meetings.

So, what is NSFW while you are virtually meeting

Poorly run meetings are a challenge for companies and professionals, I have seen how high, mid and lower management perceive meetings as waste of time and energy, while front line employees prefer to spend this time in front of clients.

Now employees and management are struggling with added complexity as they attempt to carry on the work they have to do in an unfamiliar work of an uncertain and stressful external environment.

Work from home during COVID19
During COVID19 Stay Safe Work From Home

Here are some points to take care meeting virtually:

  • Invite with an Agenda.

It is easy to click to start a virtual meeting; However, every meeting should be for a purpose. So, setting meeting agenda ahead of the meeting is crucial for its effectiveness.

  • Make it Short and to the point.

It will be more effective and capture the attention of participants than long meetings; remember that span of attention is shorter in virtual meetings than F2F meetings.

  • Set Who’s in charge and act accordingly.

It is important for accountability; it does not have to be the one who is sending the invitation, participants need to know who is running the show.

  • Join on time.

It is showing respect to join on time and respond on the meeting invite with the status if you accept or tentative of decline the invite.

  • Speak up.

When you join, please announce you are in and speak up so that you save everyone the question of who joined; just do not interrupt if someone is speaking, wait till they pause.

  • Take Notes and action items.

Often forgotten and being on virtual meeting make some people not able to write notes even with tools like Microsoft OneNote or Google Docs etc. and most of the tools have recording option to keep it simple for reference.

  • Dress appropriately.

It is tempting to wear anything to work from home, during meetings please wear appropriately  

  • Sit in tidy place.

Adjust your work setup in a tidy place with no mess and make sure you face a window or appropriate lighting. And make sure your background is professional and work appropriate!

  • And … Camera is not mandatory.

Please don’t force Camera being opened; Not everyone has home office or appropriate place to work; it might be bedroom.

  • Refrain from Typing.

It makes noise and distract the programs from giving the attention to the one speaking, so it is loading the meeting voice bandwidth

  • Mute Microphone.

It is very annoying hearing the background of the neighborhood, family members, TV

  • Stay seated and present.

 It is tempting to check your inbox, your phone, or carry on a side conversation during a dull moment in a meeting, but don’t do it!

Maintain Positive Thinking During COVID19

Finally, Stay Positive and Smile.

Stay Tuned to our coming Virtual Panel Discussion about the topic. If you are interested to attend, please communicate with Mohamed Mounir MD Pinnacle Ltd.

Author: Pinnacle Ltd.

Pinnacle Ltd. is a multi-countries modern consultancy firm, with offices around 11 countries in 4 continents, and 28 consultants working remotely and virtually managed.

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